Newport Harbor Patrol Headquarters Bulkhead Replacement
Newport Beach, CA
NCI initially evaluated alternative replacement bulkhead designs, and then performed the final engineering design and preparation of construction drawings and specifications for the selected alternative. This replacement bulkhead consisted of a coal tar epoxy coated steel sheet pile bulkhead driven into a very hard bottom. The bulkhead was anchored by use of a double corrosion protected Dywidag tie-rod system secured to the sheet piles by use of a double steel channel waler, and anchored on the landward side by an anchor system consisting of tension and compression steel H-piles with a reinforced concrete cap per each tie-rod. The tension piles also incorporated drilled/grouted Dywidag rock anchors for additional tension capacity. A reinforced concrete cap encased the steel channel waler and top of sheet piles. This new bulkhead was installed directly outboard of the 50-year old existing bulkhead prior to construction of the new County harbor patrol headquarters building and other site improvements. NCI also provided construction support services throughout the bulkhead’s construction.