Sunset Harbor/Huntington Harbor
Huntington Beach, CA
NCI was responsible for all phases of the maintenance dredging project at Sunset Harbor/Huntington Harbour, involving 120,000 cubic yards in a 2-mile channel. Services included a project report to be used for planning, environmental documentation and permit processing; sediment sampling; sediment chemistry and bioassay laboratory analysis for ocean disposal; eelgrass survey; preparation of permit applications and an eelgrass mitigation plan; coordination with regulatory agencies; channel design; dredged material quantity computations; preparation of plans, specifications and engineer’s cost estimate; construction support services; and two years of monitoring of the eelgrass transplant in accordance with the mitigation plan. Design criteria and channel layout had to be developed since dredging had not been performed for many years. The mitigation plan involved aquatically placing acceptable dredged material to create a suitable transplant site, and then transplanting the eelgrass. After two years of monitoring, it was determined that the eelgrass transplant was a success.