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Piers, Wharves & Docks

Pier & Wharf Systems, and Fixed or Floating Dock Systems

Listed below are many of the projects we’ve completed for our clients over the years. We’ve chosen to focus and expand on several key examples which are highlighted in blue. Clicking on those projects allows you to view in-depth what services NCI provided as well as details on the project itself.

Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers

Newport Beach, CA

NCI surveyed the existing conditions for both the Balboa and Newport ocean piers, prepared recommended alternative rehabilitation design concepts, and prepared the final design, drawings, specifications, contract documents and cost estimates for the selected rehabilitation design concept at each pier, and engineering support during construction bidding. NCI’s design work included utility replacement for lighting, electrical systems, communication systems, potable water, fire protection systems, gas lines and sewer lines.

The city’s two municipal piers were rehabilitated to replace foundation piles, bracing, decking, miscellaneous hardware, utilities, and other amenities. Over 40,000 square feet of deteriorated concrete pavement and 60-year old timber sub-decking was replaced with a new structural concrete section. Utilities were replaced and rerouted into top-side utility trenches, and a new guardrail was detailed for the Balboa Pier. The contract documents were prepared to minimize interruption to affected lessees.

Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers Ocean Pier Rehabilitation for the Balboa and Newport Ocean Piers

Pier D46 Rehabilitation, Port of Long Beach Facility

Long Beach, CA

NCI prepared construction repair plans and specifications for three tasks for GP Gypsum at their Port of Long Beach Facility. The first was the structural repair of an existing 50-year old concrete wharf that, due to time and a corrosive environment, developed numerous cracks and spalls. These cracks and spalls were inventoried, stripped, cleaned and repaired either with formed or injected epoxy grout. There were approximately 150 individual repairs performed. The second task was the repair of 18 existing corroded piles that were supporting the building. NCI used a filter reinforced jacket around the piles and injected grout. The repair methods were compatible with the Phase 2 repairs that were anticipated for the substructure. The third task was a fender replacement feasibility report. NCI evaluated wharf fender alternatives and provided recommendations to replace the existing deteriorated fenders. Cost estimate and analysis were also provided.

Pier D46 Rehabilitation, Port of Long Beach Facility

Sausalito Ferry Landing Pier – Design

Sausalito, CA

An engineering feasibility study was performed by NCI for widening of the small-craft harbor entrance channel to alleviate traffic congestion. Surveys of existing and future boating demands were made to ascertain harbor capacity and use limits. Traffic simulation studies analyzed structural and non-structural methods to optimize inlet navigation and improve boater safety. Formulated plans included channel widening via jetty relocation or modification, traffic lane separation, and increased patrol enforcement. Alternative plans were evaluated for economic and recreational benefits, reduction of shoaling and maintenance dredging requirements, and impacts to the local coastal processes.

Sausalito Ferry Landing Pier – Design Sausalito Ferry Landing Pier – Design

Ventura Pier Repair/Reconstruction

Ventura, CA

NCI reviewed the storm damage history and exposure of the Ventura Pier in an effort to find ways to reduce recurrent damages. Deficiencies in the existing timber pile supported structure were improved at relatively nominal expense by using a system of steel pipe bracing and steel beam reinforcement of the deck frame at key locations. The pier strengthening design developed by NCI was severely tested during the El Niño winter storm season of 1998. Damages were confined to a modest level, and catastrophic losses were completely averted. Replacement of the 420-feet outer end of pier that was lost during the December 1995 storm is proceeding toward construction with a new octagonally shaped terminus and includes replacement of the outer section of existing timber pier. This replacement pier work utilized steel foundation piles and steel framing with timber stringers and deck system. NCI assisted the City to review all pier replacement options; participated in a citizen involvement planning committee; performed final engineering design; prepared construction drawings, specifications and contract documents; and provided construction administration and resident inspection services. The new work, which will increase the deck height of the outer end of the pier, will decrease the pier’s exposure to wave damage

Ventura Pier Repair/Reconstruction
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