Port Hueneme Harbor
Port Hueneme, CA
NCI performed a reconnaissance study to determine the feasibility of modifications to the existing harbor entrance, turning basin and berthing areas to accommodate deeper draft commercial and military ship traffic. Studies included a review of existing and future port operations; stability of existing pier and wharf structures for different deepening alternatives; turning basin widening concepts; disposal of contaminated dredge spoil; and harbor entrance refinements to remedy adverse cross-currents. Structural design concepts were proposed to stabilize existing side slopes, widen navigation channels, and completely refurbish aged facilities. In a subsequent project, NCI prepared a cargo forecast and ship analysis, and the preliminary design for wharf reinforcement alternatives. This work included identifying the technical/economic trends that will shape the ocean carrier industry in the future including estimating generic port capabilities to determine typical requirements for channel depths/widths, turning basins, shore services and environmental protection measures; evaluating/forecasting commercial demand for port capabilities within the Harbor District; reviewing existing and probable continued use for military ship traffic/cargo operations including an assessment of potential long-term use; determining the minimum channel dimensions that will be required by the projected cargo flows, port services requirements, expected vessel size and type; economic impact of the Port in terms of sales, jobs, and tax revenue; and preparing conceptual alternative designs and costs of necessary structural improvements to wharfs to accommodate the proposed new channel depth.