Bixby Marshland Enhancement
Carson, CA
The County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles (LACSD) proposed to improve a degraded marshland adjacent to the Carson Water Pollution Control Plant. Water for the marsh is obtained from gravity and pump flow from a concrete lined flood control channel. The goal of the project was to improve the ecological value of the marshland, to prevent potential water intrusion impacts on plant operation, and to improve water flow through the marsh. Noble Consultants’ was hired to work with WRA to prepare a grading plan and evaluate water flow to achieve the objectives of the project. NCI performed a 2-dimensional hydrodynamic analysis of the water flow based on several grading options. NCI was subsequently hired to perform structural engineering of observation/shade structures and pedestrian bridges spanning the marsh channels. The observation/shade structures were to be constructed using timber harvested from trees removed from the site. NCI personnel selected the trees to be used in the construction. NCI also prepared the design of the trash rack at the outlet of the marsh. NCI performed the design, prepared contract documents (plans and specifications) and the construction cost estimate, and performed construction engineering services.
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