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San Rafael Avenue Seawall Study

San Rafael Avenue Seawall Study

Belvedere, CA

NCI performed the necessary investigation and analysis in order to provide design recommendations with possible alternatives to prevent wind-driven waves from overtopping the existing approximately 2,000 lineal feet of stone revetment along San Rafael Avenue that fronts Richardson Bay within San Francisco Bay.

A topographic survey was conducted for the existing San Rafael Avenue seawall and the existing installation of the revetment was reviewed. A coastal analysis was performed for the existing baseline condition, which included (1) determining return tidal stages, (2) estimating seal level rise, (3) wind-wave hindcasting and return frequency analysis of storm wave events, (4) computing wave runup using CEDAS, SPM method, CEM method, and FEMA model, and (5) determining the coastal flood elevations based on the return tidal stage, sea level rise and wave runup. The design recommendations and potential seawall improvement alternatives were developed based on the engineering analysis. In Addition, the design and construction costs for the potential alternatives were developed, and the regulatory permitting requirements and potential funding sources were identified.

San Rafael Avenue Seawall Study San Rafael Avenue Seawall Study

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