Final Expidited Reconnaissance Study Lower Santa Ana River Watershed
Orange County, CA
NCI assessed potential alternatives to obtain an understanding of the coastal processes and the water circulation patterns in the coastal zone of the study area from the San Gabriel River to the west jetty of Newport Harbor for this expedited reconnaissance study. Our work and services included preparation of a 905 (b) Analysis Report and a draft Project Management Plan. The basis for the evaluation was based on the Corps of Engineer’s regulations and engineer manuals. The primary tasks formulated in the PMP report include review of existing field data to determine the scope of additional field level investigations. This information will be incorporated into a water circulation numerical simulation model providing detailed knowledge of the spreading of pollutants in the coastal and oceanic waters. Areas of interest include the regions of the coastline adjacent to and seaward of the Santa Ana River and the Talbert Channel. The results of this task will provide the basis for the Phase 1 development of a comprehensive water quality management plan for Orange County.